Friday 10 January 2014



I think this sound something crazy, funny or some may be thinking that the person has no time to spent and writing bullshit. Yes, I agree with you all friends.

Many a times, I sit down to write blogs, I read it and every time I found am I really sick or trying to make other sick . Now a days, If you are looking for something or someone these days you Google them or Yahoo them. I came across and read many blogs, some blogs about their cooking skills, some about their adventures, some about their life etc... etc.. of course somewhere very interesting and some were really eye catching .Some seemed like giving advices as if we are in terms of some bounding .Some quotes, o ! really as if it’s a reminder of God and feel like who we are and what we have done and how much we have given to life .It’s like Debit and credit of Karma's.

So, now how craziness is associated with these all matters? Absolute Question…There is no connection actually. Yes, that’s what I wanted to explain. Have you ever wondered about a mentally retarded person or a small child, they seemed to be very happy and they are on their  own tune . They are like careless. Again the question arises, that means we should all behave MAD..? Not at all...

Many a times I have heard; to find Happiness is that what we think. But truly speaking how many of we can think and have been satisfied. We can’t change people the way you like .Still we look into other plates, other wife or husband, He, or she is earning more, blessed with good job. Wished I would have conveyed my feelings to him, and then we would have been together. You feel jealous or become upset when you see your friends post their trips, or show their assets they have purchased, their happy moments. I am sorry, if I am intentionally hurting but the fact is true. This is called toxic craziness. And dangerous to health … This type of crazies’ effect your mental and slowly your physical health .The nervous system get damaged. You may also suffer from bipolar disorder and you may not be aware of this.

 Today the time is yours tomorrow it would be mine...You never know what is going to accept  the time and the situation .Be optimistic.

And last don’t think too much…Don’t be too much emotional. If you are having affairs and you are correct and don’t mind having multiple partners and dare to change your sheets you can go ahead but be cautious and take preventive measures but who are not ready, please don’t try you may be caught  and your life will be Topsy turvy. Now if you think is it correct or wrong that gonna make you crazy :) .But don’t take everyone has granted.Love the one and show your caring those who are trying to be with you and really care for you ,may be he /she may not of your standard . Be truthful and honest to your mistress /BF and wife /hubby, that too matters.After all Love ,friendship or caring may not be in terms of matrialistic things everytime.But the bitter truth is everyone needs someone or the other for a reason.So accept it whole heartedly. 

Now, Comes your job and business, you have to satisfy your boss, complete your assignment, new creativity ,to get more client ,to work independently, urge to be famous and more of this kind. Money, Honey. Your boss is very ambitious, workaholic..How to control? You can’t control. Because he is thinking of growing his reputation, his business and paying remuneration to his employees. So, to act according to situation. So, if you avail holidays, please use those, atleast if you can’t go out of the town atleast have get together with friends or visit nearby places. This will give you new spirit and you can see how new ideas grasping .Actually logic behind it , when you discuss or meet people outside your office you are keeping updates and you are aware of new technology , plans etc..Only, sitting with your laptops and internet will only make you home sick and addicted.So, sometimes get crazy to behave like a college student and have a date.:) and how you are going to have you have to decide.

 Now your family life,Yeah that’s true you are committed to  give her social status , financial security , good education to your children ,your savings , health insurance , parties , movies, trips etc ..etc so much commitment …Cool …Be Grateful every time..Small things matter …If your wife /husband is ignoring you..It’s ok …you stay in your own tune…be happy and don’t depend on your relationship for happiness because happiness is not from a relationship …..a relationship is from you.. You have built it… Tune on to beautiful songs ….sit silently, relax…is anything worrying discussing with him or her but you are getting teared from inside..GIVE TIME AND HAVE PATIENCE…discuss with whom you like. You can even speak up with the walls of your room, with your pets…sounds crazy right? For e.g.some thing gets struck in your throat what you do you don’t feel comfortable until it come out right? Same way it works…and if you want any decision you can speak to the person who you feel can give according to your subject line. Play with your children. Enjoy movies and comedy serials with your family. Have a feast together this will keep bonding. If your wife is nagging type, just have a romantic dance with her may be inside the bed room, she will stop complaining. If she is demanding, take her to date and have a dinner or both of you take some time to watch a adult movie. This formula applies to her also.

But if really Love have sheded away from your both's  life , and if you feel have a ground …ultimately its depend on you both to take charge of your own life and need to walk alone in your path.Financial security is second thing.You need to decide in harmony…Relax!! Life is how you make it.You will be free and if you are blessed with  children , you need to have counseling  session with the children and the counselling expert  , this will in turn make you easier and the child to be strong enough to face the reality. But do have vacation with your children .They will need you only for certain time.Don't miss those moments with your children.

Always remember to follow  3A'S  in life  for a healthy and long lasting relationship ,
1. Attention 
2. Affection
3. Appreciation 

The above panorama of life stages discussed above is what you need to have in your life, your duties, your responsibilities …but not of your moments. All of the above belongs to your heart, your path, and to past, future and present .And our soul belongs to God.. and what have we got , ‘The MOMENTS..’

My captioned ,Let’s be crazy means spent some moments with a special person and thats you/I . Give sometime to speak with oneself ,to spent some time silently ,to admire oneself, to forget sometime that we are an identity, to behave as if none is watching us. To dance with oneself, to sing your favourite song…..To know your heart, ask who you are …Think you are in the midst of golden light,now you will feel to close your eyes, you will feel light and will be carried over to another world a peaceful world…you will feel light …you will experience  a world around you is so peaceful. You will feel relaxed. Our life is of moments and each moment to bring positive and create happiness.

A moment to be crazy!!! And Craziness meant to feel like a cool breeze touching you and making you feel fresh and relaxed. !!!!

Acceptance and unconditional love does not mean being static without change. There is a natural flow to life that requires movement, learning and growth. There are ups and downs on every journey to discover more of Self, and accepting and unconditionally loving yourself means realizing that you are equally beautiful at every stage in your journey. Your value and your worth are constant.

****This blog is based on the persons those who are incapable of understanding the capabilities they have,the energy ,the strength they are blessed with and implementing them with the time".*****

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